to download the file. download the jsp file setContentType("text/html");; PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();; String To support JSP/servlet, a Java-capable HTTP server is required. Use a programming text editor to enter the following HTML/JSP codes and save as " first.jsp " (the file type of " .jsp " is mandatory) in your webapp (web context) home directory
JSP extension is associated with Java Server Page File. Choose a free JSP files can be edited using a development application or a simple text program.
18 Feb 2019 A Sample Web Application to download and deploy. So the Snoop servlet here just invokes the welcome.jsp file and that does all the work for us setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); try (PrintWriter out = response. 28 Aug 2019 A developer creates the files comprising a web application, and then servlets, JavaServer Pages technology (JSP files), and Hyper Text 17 Oct 2017 Here i also check that file must be a text file if you upload a pdf or jpeg it will give error. So lets start this Step by a portlet in it .Here my project name is upload-download-portlet and portlet name is Demo. Step 2:-Change the jsp. Change your view.jsp as:- view.jsp import com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet. I have managed to write a java class which opens and reads a text file and prints the data How did you try to set up your JSP and servlet? 4 Mar 2019 This example will help how to download different files like PDF, TEXT,